3150 S. IH 35 Svc Rd, Belton, Texas 76513
There are so many different types of home projects that you can take on. Many of them you don’t need much other than your materials and a drill and saw. However, there are some that will require more. Such as an excavator or a skid steer. Many residents of Belton, TX have a hard time accomplishing any projects that have to do with trenching or removing some of the soil for their specified projects. This is mainly because of the type of soil that is found in Belton, TX.
When you have soil with rocks in it then you will seldom get done what you need to. In the end it will lead to frustration and wasted time and money. Pro Star Rental has the perfect solution for you! We rent equipment for every type of project and every type of soil. An example of this is our Rock Saw. It can trench through rock in a line for long distances. This means that you’ll be able to accomplish any project you have set out to do no matter what the obstacle may be. Don’t let a couple of big rocks get in the way of installing an irrigation system or any other project! Call us today to see if we have the equipment you need or come into our store! We will be able to help you find exactly what you need and give you the needed information on how to operate it.
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